An evaluation of the usefulness of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in patients after a fracture within the proximal femoral epiphysis while staying at a nursing home – a pilot study
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Faculty of Physiotherapy, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Poland
Submission date: 2021-10-25
Acceptance date: 2022-01-04
Publication date: 2023-06-01
Physiother Quart. 2023;31(2):85-91
The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in patients after a fracture within the proximal femoral epiphysis, staying at a nursing home (NH).

The study was conducted at a NH centre on 15 people after a fracture within the proximal femoral epiphysis (mean aged 76.9 ± 10.8). The CGA assessment was performed twice: before and after a 12 week stay at the centre. Physiotherapy was carried out five times a week for one hour (Monday to Friday).

The analysis showed a significant improvement in the Activities of Daily Living scale (ADL). In the case of the physical condition of the patients, the physiotherapy led to significant improvements, predominantly in the gait and balance of the patients. Significant correlations, at the start and end of the study, were found between the ADL and Tinetti scale.

There was a significant relationship found between the functional status and physical health of the patients undergoing physiotherapy staying at the NH. The systematic 3-month physiotherapy significantly improved the functional and physical condition of elderly patients. CGA can be a tool for evaluating the efficacy of the rehabilitation process of elderly patients staying at a NH. The results are a pilot study, but confirm that CGA can and should be routinely used in geriatric centres in Poland.
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