Response of salivary flow rate to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in haemodialysis patients
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Department of Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular/Respiratory Disorder and Geriatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Submission date: 2020-09-23
Acceptance date: 2020-12-28
Publication date: 2023-01-10
Physiother Quart. 2023;31(1):23-27
Hyposalivation is one of the common oral complications in end-stage renal disease. This study aimed to assess the immediate and 3-week effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on hyposalivation in end-stage renal disease patients on maintenance haemodialysis.

Overall, 80 haemodialysis patients with hyposalivation complaints (40 diabetics and 40 nondiabetics with a mean age of 59.35 ± 9.59 and 59.45 ± 9.66 years, respectively) were treated with 20-minute extraoral TENS (50 Hz and 250 µs pulse duration) applied bilaterally to parotid glands for 3 successive weeks (3 sessions per week). Besides the baseline measurement, the whole resting saliva was collected immediately after the first and last TENS sessions in a graduated test tube via the 5-minute low forced spitting method. The whole resting salivary flow rate (WRSFR) (ml/min) was calculated by dividing the collected salivary volume by the 5-minute collection period.

When the baseline WRSFR mean was compared with its value after the first or last TENS session, WRSFR showed a highly significant increase in diabetic and nondiabetic haemodialysis patients.

Extraoral electrostimulation via TENS is an effective therapeutic modality for hyposalivation in end-stage renal disease patients on maintenance haemodialysis.
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