The effect of insole on the knee valgus angle and pelvic muscle activity during high-intensity weight-bearing tasks
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Rehabilitation Center, Cello Hospital, Cheongju, Republic of Korea
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Medical Science, Cheongju University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea
Submission date: 2021-01-19
Acceptance date: 2021-06-08
Publication date: 2021-09-11
Physiother Quart. 2021;29(3):86-91
The purpose was to investigate changes in knee valgus angle, as well as associated pelvic muscles, gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae, when using an insole in people with leg length mismatch less than 2 cm in high-intensity weight-bearing tasks.

The knee valgus angle, muscle activity of the gluteus medius, and muscle activity of the tensor fasciae latae were measured with and without an insole during a drop jump task and a step landing task. All measurements were performed 3 times, and the average value was used. The subjects practised 3 times before the measurement and took a sufficient rest between each measurement.

There was no significant difference between the knee valgus angles with or without an insole during the drop jump task or step landing task. For the drop jump task, a significant difference was observed in the muscle activity of the tensor fasciae latae on the short leg side; for the step landing task, a significant difference was noted in the muscle activity of the gluteus medius on the long leg side (p < 0.05).

The use of insoles by people with leg length discrepancy during high-intensity landing may prevent non-contact anterior cruciate ligament damage, which is frequently seen in high-intensity landings.
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