The effects of Mobilization and Stimulation of Neuromuscular Tissue on the hemiplegic upper limb: a case report
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Physiotherapy Practice Dimitrios Athanasiadis, Kavala, Greece
Iatriki Askisi Rehabilitation Clinic, Athens, Greece
Evexia Rehabilitation Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece
Submission date: 2018-11-13
Acceptance date: 2018-12-31
Publication date: 2019-03-25
Physiother Quart. 2019;27(1):6-11
Mobilization and Stimulation of Neuromuscular Tissue (MaSoNT) is a newly-invented technique that aims to trigger functional recovery in stroke patients. This is the first study that applies an intervention with MaSoNT in a patient’s hemiplegic hand. The purpose was to investigate the effects of a MaSoNT intervention and to prove the safety of the technique.

A case study is provided. The patient was a male stroke survivor, aged 71, who underwent a cerebrovascular accident a week before the intervention. He presented zero voluntary movement in the hemiplegic arm and some sensory impairment. The patient had had neither pain nor spasticity before the intervention. The intervention was standard upper limb therapy performed twice per week and MaSoNT application for 15 minutes, 5 times per week. The total duration of the intervention was 3 weeks. The following measurement tools were used: Modified Ashworth Scale, Motricity Index Arm Score, Motor Assessment Scale items 6, 7, and 8, Thumb Localization Test, Nottingham Sensory Assessment.

The patient demonstrated both motor and sensory improvements by the end of the experiment. Pain and spasticity remained absent.

The study possibly proves that MaSoNT is a safe technique to apply in a hemiplegic hand. Moreover, it could lead to functional recovery, although further research is mandated.
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