The efficiency of rehabilitation for self-service eating in institutionalized children aged 2–6 years with mental and motor retardation
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University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
Submission date: 2017-11-30
Acceptance date: 2018-01-19
Publication date: 2018-04-18
Physiother Quart. 2017;25(2):10-16
The purpose of the work is an evaluation of the efficiency of therapeutic programmes applied for manual skills in self-service eating, as well as for the motion range of chosen upper limb joints in children aged 2–6 years with mental retardation.

The research was carried out among 2 groups of children, 12 members each. The methods used to evaluate the effects of the therapy included Sagittal Frontal Transverse Rotation (SFTR) as per International Standard Orthopaedic Measurements (ISOM) and Gunzburg’s PPAC Inventory as adapted by Witkowski. The study presents the results of the therapy in a group run with the Vojta method and in a group run with other paediatric physiotherapy methods.

The research results have shown no essential difference between the groups at the first measurement (before therapy), a statistically significant difference (an improvement in mobility and function) in the second test in both examined groups, and statistically significant results of comparing the first and second measurement for both methods, mostly in favour of the Vojta group.

The Vojta method therapy is more effective than the other therapeutic methods in improving both upper limbs motion and the self-service function of eating.
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