Core stability in adolescent swimmers with swimmer’s shoulder syndrome
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Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Biomechanics Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, October 6 University, Giza, Egypt
Submission date: 2020-02-25
Acceptance date: 2020-07-02
Publication date: 2021-11-30
Physiother Quart. 2021;29(4):33-41
Swimmer’s shoulder syndrome (SSS) is the most common overuse injury affecting swimmers and surfers. Core stability is crucial to prevent SSS. The study investigated the effect of isokinetic core strength of trunk flexors and extensors and core endurance on shoulder stability in adolescent swimmers with SSS.

The study involved 30 swimmers, assigned to 2 equal groups. The experimental group (A) suffered from SSS; the control group (B) included healthy swimmers with no history of shoulder pain or instability. The mean values of age, body mass, and height were 12.86 ± 1.59 years, 41.73 ± 3.99 kg, and 142.0 ± 3.96 cm, respectively, in group A and 13.2 ± 1.56 years, 42.66 ± 3.9 kg, and 142.26 ± 4.39 cm, respectively, in group B. Isokinetic peak torque (PT) for trunk flexors and extensors was measured with a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. Four functional tests assessed core endurance: side bridge endurance test, static back endurance test, ball bridge test, and unilateral bridge test.

There was a statistically significant between-group difference in mean PT of trunk extension at both angular velocities: 60°/s, 180°/s. No significant differences were detected in mean PT of trunk flexion. All functional core stability tests revealed a greater endurance time in group B.

Weak core inhibits shoulder muscles, which is a major risk factor for shoulder instability and SSS. It is crucial to incorporate core stability training into the rehabilitation plan to provide proximal stability for obtaining safe and proper distal mobility across the shoulder joint.
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