The acute effect of aquatic physiotherapy on heart rate, blood pressure, and double product in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
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Physical Education Department, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Submission date: 2020-08-25
Acceptance date: 2020-10-23
Publication date: 2021-12-06
Physiother Quart. 2021;29(4):70-73
This study investigated changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and double product in patients with Parkinson’s disease who participated in aquatic physiotherapy.

A single group research design was applied. Overall, 20 sessions of aquatic physiotherapy were implemented, 2 times per week, each lasting for 40 minutes. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured before and after each session. Overall, 13 participants in stages 2–4 on the Hoehn and Yahr scale were assessed.

Statistically significant differences were observed for the final heart rate (p = 0.001), final double product (p = 0.001), and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.03).

Inpatient children showed no positive effects of exercise therapy on cancer-related fatigue. After discharge, the children in exercise therapy attained better physical constitution. Exercise therapy is effective for successful rehabilitation and outpatient reintegration and therefore recommended to reduce cancer-related fatigue.
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